Prepare Your Family & Protect Your Home: A Guide to Home Security

Prepare your family and Protect your home

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Tactical and survival situations arise in the blink of an eye; they’re never something you plan into your day. Due to the speed at which most situations happen and the uncertainty of life, YOU, the protector, need to take tangible steps to prepare your family members and protect your home.

Unlike waiting for a good whiskey that gets better with age, this is one area of life that you should not wait to take seriously. After a home invasion is not when you want to start preparing.

Make sure your family is armed and your home is ready by preparing your family and your home now before it’s too late.

Protecting your home and your family does NOT have to cost a fortune. Anyone can do it! I’ll show you many simple and budget-friendly ways to fortify and protect your home.


I think when people hear about protecting their home or preparing their family, their brains immediately go to end times and end-of-the-world type preppers.

People preparing for an economic collapse (which doesn’t seem far off right now, to be honest), WW3 (which also doesn’t seem far off), or a government becoming downright tyrannical under the guise of health care and subjugating its own citizens (this one we actually have seen over the last two years).

Prepare your family and protect your home arm yourself with body armor

However, preparing your family and home is much more than just this end-times ideology.

Preparing your family and protecting your home is about being honest. We live in a nation full of crime, and statistics show it’s only getting worse.

So, burying your head in the sand and thinking it will never happen to you is naive and is a good way to make yourself or, worse, your family the victim of a crime.

It is primarily the responsibility of men, husbands and fathers, or simply dudes who own a house, to ensure these tasks are taken care of.

However, if there is no male head of the family, this responsibility falls on the mom or the following able-bodied individual.

Whatever your situation, there’s no excuse not to ensure your family and home are ready should a home invasion or attempted home invasion occur.


key statistics of how often home invasions occur
  • There are 2.5 million burglaries annually in the United States. (FBI)
  • Of those 2.5 million burglaries annually in the United States. 66% of these are home invasions. (US Department of Justice)
  • Every 15 seconds, a home burglary occurs in the United States. (
  • 83% of would-be burglars check for the presence of an alarm system before attempting a break-in. (FBI)
  • Homes without a security system are 300% more likely to be broken into and burglarized. (
  • Break-ins occurring between 6 AM and 6 PM increase in likelihood by 6%.
  • Most burglaries happen in the summertime between the summer months of June and August.
  • Frequent home invasions happen between 10 am and 3 pm when the homeowners are commonly away from the home.
  • Only 12% of all burglaries are planned in advance. Most thieves admit a break-in was an impulse decision
  • 95% of burglaries involve a forceful entry into the home, which means physical damage to your personal property.
  • Over 60% of assaults, including the heinous crime of rape, happen during home invasions.



Everything starts with our mindset. We need to get out of our little life bubble and accept that this world is full of people willing to do whatever they have to to get whatever they want.

Some are willing to hurt whoever they have to to get whatever they want.

We must acknowledge and accept that although a home invasion may never happen to us, it very realistically could.

The majority of people who have fallen victim to home invasion never expected it to happen to them until it did.

We need to acknowledge that bad things happen all the time, we don’t need to live in fear of them happening to us, but…we do need to prepare incase they do.

we must change our mindsets so we can best protect our homes



Situational awareness is a big idea, kind of like common sense, and just like common sense, many, if not most, people lack truly good situational awareness.

So, what is Situational awareness or SA?

Situational awareness is being aware and alert to what is happening around you. Good SA plays itself out first in your mind and then second in your patterns and habits.

situational awareness is a must to protect your family and protect your home

Situational awareness looks like you having your head on a swivel, constantly scanning your environment with your eyes paying attention to anything that could be a possible threat, listening attentively for out-of-place noises, and then quickly mentally evaluating if anything deserves more of your attention or whether you can move on.

At home, good SA can look like being aware of the state of your door and window locks. Has someone gone outside recently? Was the door locked after they went outside, or was it left unlocked?

Through out the day were there any new cars parked on your street or new faces you didn’t recognize strolling down the road?

At the end of the day, when the kids are down, and you’re about to turn in again, are your doors and windows locked and secured? Is your outside light turned on?

After you’ve thought about these things, scanned them, and listened to them, it should lead to action. These initial actions should lead to the plans and habits you’re developing to accompany the initial internal dialogue.

Each morning, for example, when you step outside for work, take 10 seconds, scan and listen from your front door.

Each night before bed, walk around your house and check to ensure doors and windows are secured, turn your outside light on, and scan the streets once more.

prepare your family, each time you leave your house stop , look, and listen and make sure nothing is out of place

Together, these internal and external steps form great situational awareness.

It might seem like a lot, but an end-of-the-day routine, as I described, may only take 10 minutes. Like anything you do repeatedly, the more you do these actions and develop these habits, the smoother and quicker you’ll be able to do them.

Eventually, it’ll be pure muscle memory, second nature to you, to fortify your house both inside and out each morning before work or each night before bed.

Good situational awareness also means having some good general knowledge.

It’s this knowledge that will help guide your actions. For example, statistics show that most home break-ins happen mid-afternoon between the hours of 1200 and 1500.

Thieves know that generally, at this time, dad is at work, the older kids are at school, and there’s a good chance little kids are napping, which leaves mom all alone and vulnerable.

Facts like that and those I presented to you at the beginning of the article will significantly help shape your steps and actions.


Good home security starts with having a good security perimeter around your home. The security perimeter around your home is separated into four D’s:

  1. Deter
  2. Detect
  3. Deny
  4. Defend
prepare your family and your home by making sure you have the four D's of security taken care of.

Think of your house from a birds eye view, the outer edge of your property might be a road in front of your house, moving in next you have your front and back yards, followed by your house itself, and finally inside your house.

The four D’s work in that manner, starting from furthest out and moving in:

  • Deter: If anyone is passing by, possibly casing houses, you want to deter them from even thinking about breaking into your place. You want them to see your house and keep right on moving.
  • Detect: If someone approaches your house, you want to be able to detect them, to see them, and to give away that they are there.
  • Deny: If someone manages to reach your front door, garage door, or window, you want your house to be secure enough that you deny them any entry points. No matter where they try to get in, they are denied access.
  • Defend: If someone has made it into your home, you want a plan and the ability to defend your home.



When a bad guy or adversary passes by your house, you want them to see your place and not even consider breaking into it. In fact, you want them not to want to break into your house.

How do you do that?

  1. Illumination
  2. Visual Ques

Both of these options are relatively inexpensive and, when done right, can prevent you and your family from ever becoming the victims of a home invasion.


Criminals like to operate in secret and darkness. Lighting up your front yard, back yard, and driveway is a massive deterrent because criminal actions can no longer be hidden.

They can’t be sneaky and break into your house completely unknown. Lights expose their actions and make them feel naked.

prepare your family and home by illuminating your yard.

So, 2 main things you can do are:

  1. Turn on your outside lights before bed
  2. Install motion sensors and yard lights

Turn on your outside lights before bed: As you start to build your situational awareness and, create your end-of-the-day routine of going around and checking all the door and window locks.

Also, make sure you are turning on the outside lights that you may have on your home or detached buildings. Ensuring these are on each night is a good stepping stone for home security.

Install motion sensors and yard lights: These two styles of lights are effective deterrents against home invasions. As soon as anything gets anywhere close to your property, a good motion sensor light will snap on, illuminating your entire yard.

Anyone trying to break in is immediately exposed, and if you or a family member have a window on the lit side of the house, the sudden light through your window will likely wake you up.

Solar power is also an essential feature of these lights.

If someone manages to cut the power to your place or something less sinister, such as a storm, knocks out the power in your area, these lights will still function, lighting up your property and helping to keep thieves away.


Brightest LightVENSSTNORMax Lumens: 3500
Max Range: 40′

Light Modes: 3
Power Source: Battery / Solar
Remote Control: Yes
Number of Ratings: 445
Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Most PurchasedTuffenough
Max Lumens: 2500
Max Range: 26′

Light Modes: 3
Power Source: Battery / Solar
Remote Control: Yes

Number of Ratings: 10,870
Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Highest RatedOTDLIGHTMax Lumens: 2700
Max Range: 19′

Light Modes: 3
Power Source: Battery / Solar
Remote Control: Yes

Number of Ratings: 955
Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Budget FriendlyCANDLITEMax Lumens: 3000
Max Range: 30′ – 35′

Light Modes: 3
Power Source: Battery / Solar
Remote Control: Yes

Number of Ratings: 1,780
Amazon Rating: 4.3 out of 5


Yard lights are standard where I live, as my place is more rural. Yard lights are massively bright lights that you turn on or that turn on automatically with a dusk till-dawn feature.

They are big and very bright and stay on all night, illuminating your entire yard.

Brightest LightGefollyMax Lumens: 216000
Lighting Area: 3200 sq.ft

Charge Time: 6 – 5 hrs
Battery Life: 40hrs
Remote Control: Yes
Number of Ratings: 626
Amazon Rating:
4.2 out of 5
Most PurchasedLovusMax Lumens: 100000
Lighting Area: 3000 – 3500 sq. ft

Charge Time: 6 – 10 hrs
Battery Life: 30 hrs
Remote Control: Yes
Number of Ratings: 751
Amazon Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Highest RatedOKPROMax Lumens:
Lighting Area: 3500 sq. ft

Charge Time: 6 – 8 hrs
Battery Life: 36 hrs
Remote Control: Yes
Number of Ratings: 56
Amazon Rating:
4.6 out of 5
Budget FriendlyINSDEAMax Lumens: 100000
Lighting Area:
3500 sq. ft
Charge Time: 6 – 8 hrs
Battery Life: 24 hrs
Remote Control: Yes
Number of Ratings: 386
Amazon Rating:
4.4 out of 5


Visual Cues are the second primary method of deterrence against home invasions.

Visual cues are objects that criminals can see as they drive or walk past your house that would make them want to steer clear of your place. Although there may be more visual ques that you could think of, the two main ones are:

  1. Signs
  2. Dummy Cameras


Look at the statistics I put at the top of the page, and you’ll see that according to one study, homes with an alarm system are 300% less likely to be broken into than homes without an alarm system.

What if paying a home security company is just not in the budget?

GOOD NEWS! You don’t need to actually have home security to put up a sign saying you have some security. Anyone can purchase home security signs on Amazon for less than $20.

Now, obviously, just having a sign isn’t as good as having the actual security that goes with it, but it’s just meant to be a visual deterrent, and hey, it’s cheap.

So, even without having home security, it provides a level of home security!

Highest RatingMaterial: Plastic
Number of Ratings: 242
Amazon Rating:
4.6 out of 5
Budget Friendly
Material: Window Stickers
Number of Ratings: 2215
Amazon Rating:
(Amazons Choice)
Most PurchasedMaterial: Plastic
Number of Ratings: 12,886
Amazon Rating:
(Amazons Choice)


Cameras are a very obvious visual that a home has a security system. However, as cheap as some companies are, paying a security company might still be outside our budget.

Like the signs, though, we don’t need a security system to make the bad guys think we do.

These dummy cameras look like the real deal, with the red glowing light at night and everything. Ranging from between $12 – $25, you can’t go wrong with throwing a couple of these up around your house.

It simply adds that extra layer of protection to your home.

Most PurchasedNumber of Ratings: 6398
Amazon Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Budget FriendlyNumber of Ratings: 731
Amazon Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Highest RatedNumber of Ratings: 3569
Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5

Remember, Deterrence is the first line of defence for our homes and families. We want the bad guys to see our house, see these signs, “cameras,” and whatever else and not even want to break into our house.


Detecting the bad guys applies to both inside and outside of your home. Like Deter, there are a couple of main ways to detect criminals.

  1. Neighbours
  2. Home Security Systems


Have you heard the old motto, “It takes a community to raise children?” Well, the same applies to home security.

The number one thing you can do is get to know your neighbours and develop a good relationship with them.

Everyone has different schedules in life, so they’re at home at different times and see different things around the community.

Getting to know your neighbours to the point where you talk and share what you see going on around you is vitally important.

When you do, you don’t only have your eyes watching your home, but now the eyes of your neighbours are all watching your back as well.

That means any criminal that tries to come into your community and break into your house isn’t just attacking you; he’s attacking everyone.


Home security systems have become much less expensive over time to the point where many families can afford them.

What they offer regarding home security is also far more than ever, with features such as direct links to EMS, Police, and Firefighters.

The right people can be alerted almost instantaneously when there’s big trouble in little China.

prepare your family and prepare your home with a home security system.

Cameras with night vision, motion detectors, window sensors (for if someone opens your window), and window glass break sensors are just a few of the more common security measures many home security companies offer these days.

I know they don’t fit everyone’s budget, but if you can comfortably do it, this should be a talk every family has.

Most Purchased
(Amazons Choice)
BlinkDisplay: 1080p
Two-Way Talk: Yes
Day/Night: Yes
Number of Ratings: 2
Amazon Rating: 5 out of 5
Highest Rated
RingDisplay: 1080p
Two-Way Talk: Yes
Day/Night: Yes
Number of Ratings: 1618
Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Best Over All
(Highly Promoted by Third Parties)


To DENY the bad guy entry into your house is the third level in home security, and next to Defend, it is arguably the most important.

The criminal has ignored your warnings, does not care about being detected and is now right outside your house trying to figure out the most straightforward way into your home.

You must DENY him entry into your house at all costs!

prepare your family and your home by denying entry to home invaders

This is where there are relatively cheap solutions that everyone can implement in their houses to fortify their most vulnerable entryways.

  1. Doors
  2. Windows
  3. Garage Door


  • In 34% of all home invasions, the intruder entered through the unlocked front door.
  • In 56% of all home invasions, there is forced entry through a door or window.

Although these statistics are both a bit different (I am sure you could find even more if you looked), they show that the doors to our homes are a vulnerable point of access to our homes.

Being vulnerable points, they need to be reinforced and made less vulnerable.

There are a couple of very budget-friendly ways we can do this:

  • The first way to strengthen our doors is to lock them. This goes back to what I initially discussed in Mind Set and Situational Awareness.

    Always be aware of the state of your security and ensure the front door is always locked whether you’re home or not.
  • REINFORCE the STRIKE PLATES and door frame above and below the strike plates. The screws that typically come with your door lock are only 1/2″ long. This goes for the screws holding both strike plates in place on the frame.

    It is these short 1/2″ screws that come out quite easily and the frame right around the strike plates that break when the door is kicked.

    Home security experts say with these screws, a typical door can take about 5 good kicks before the intruder gets into the house.

    Replace the 1/2″ screws with much longer 3″-3.5″ screws,
    and the strength that your strike plates and frame have goes up exponentially.

    These much longer screws bring your door from being able to handle 5 kicks to be able to handle around 30 kicks before an intruder can get in.

    When someone is trying to break into your house, this extra time is HUGE!!!

    People in the house will wake up if it’s nighttime or be alerted if it’s daytime, and you’ll be able to call 9-1-1 while moving everyone to your predetermined secure location.
Reinforce your door frame by using 3.5 inch screws every 6 inches from the bottom to the top of your door frame on the side where the lock is.
  • Install secondary and more robust locks. There are a handful of really good products out there that greatly increase the strength of your door and can fit into the average budget.
Budget Friendly
(I have this on my doors)
EverplusWithstand Force: 800lbs
Number of Ratings: 9164
Amazon Rating: 4.6 out of 5
Strongest RatingOnGUARDWithstand Force: 3000lbs
Number of Ratings: 39
Amazon Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Highest RatedNightlockWithstand Force: 2000lbs
Number of Ratings: 1041
Amazon Rating: 4.6 out of 5


  • 81% of home invasions begin on the first floor.
  • 23% of intruders gain access to a home through the windows.

Windows are another vulnerable access point into our homes; most homes have many of them. They need to be reinforced and made as impenetrable as possible.

However, with windows, you need to reinforce the glass as well as the locks.

  • There is one primary way to reinforce the glass in your windows (besides buying bulletproof glass). That is Hurricane film.

    Companies have created an extremely strong and transparent film that you attach to the inside of the window.

    This film is STRONG!

    It was created to prevent glass from shattering while having objects thrown at it by hurricane-force winds. It was later adapted for use in home security.

    That means no criminal will be able to come and simply smash your window and unlock it.
Highest RatedBuydecorativefilmThickness: 4mm
Number of Ratings: 129
Amazon Rating:
4.1 out of 5
Protects & ReflectsBuydecorativefilmThickness: 4mm
Number of Rating: 129
Amazon Rating:
4.1 out of 5
  • Reinforce all sliding windows and doors, such as patio doors, with a secondary lock.

    All the windows on my ground floor are sliding windows, so all a criminal has to do is break through the glass by the window lock, flip the latch and slide up the window.

    Now, the bad guy could do the same thing with secondary locks, but ultimately, it’s about denying entry the best you can and buying time to get you and your family safe.

    A ground-floor window reinforced with hurricane film and secondary locks is now a force to be reckoned with.
Amazons ChoiceBurglabarWithstand Force: 300lbs – 450lbs
Number of Ratings: 9050
Amazon Rating: 4.3 out of 5


Most people don’t usually think of their garage door as a vulnerable access point into their house, but it is a criminal’s favourite entry point next to the doors and windows.

According to one set of statistics I saw, it’s not uncommon for the garage door to be the first entry point checked by criminals when burglarizing a house.

Why is it a favourite entry point, you may ask?

Because the average home assumes their garage is a safe place and doesn’t actually do anything to reinforce their garage doors.

On top of that, because people assume their garage is safe, they do not lock the main door from the garage to the home.

Criminals know that once they get into the garage, they’ll often have a wide open entry point into the rest of the house.

garage doors are a main point of entry for criminals

However, you and I do not have to be like everyone else. There are (just like the rest of this article) some very free and budget-friendly ways to make sure you don’t fall victim to a home invasion by way of your garage door.

  • NEVER, EVER leave a garage door opener in a family vehicle parked outside your garage.

    Cars are much easier to break into than houses, and if you leave a garage door opener visible inside your vehicle, all a bad guy has to do is get into your car, grab the garage door opener and now they have complete access to your house.

    If you are going to leave an opener in your car, at the bare minimum, hide the car door opener so it is not in plain view.
  • Secure the manual release cord.

    Every garage door has a cord that hangs down from the chain, and when the garage door is closed, that cord hangs exceptionally close to the garage door. That cord is the manual release for the garage door.

    If something happens, the power going out, for example, you can pull that cord and raise and lower your garage door by hand.

    Criminals can take a coat hanger, slide it through the top of the door and hook that manual release cord. Once they do that, they can lift the garage door by hand, and BOOM, just like that, they’re in your house.

    That cord can be secured into a nice little ball with a couple of zip ties. It can also be cut off altogether. No matter how you choose to do it, make this cord inaccessible to someone from outside the garage.
garage doors are a main point of entry for criminals

  • Finally, LOCK the man door between the garage and the house. Again, the average homeowner feels their garage is safe, so they leave that inside man door unlocked. Criminals know this!

    So, just like the front and back doors, ensure the garage’s main door is locked whenever it is not in use.

Remember, at this point, the bad guy has ignored the lights, the signs, and the dummy cameras. He has gotten past the neighbours and doesn’t care about the security system.

He is at your door, trying his best to come in…he wants in your house.

You and I must deny home entry into our homes at all costs.


You are now the victim of a home invasion, and you MUST DEFEND yourself and your family.

How do you do that?

It starts with a plan. You must have a good and yet simple plan. It does not need to be some big intricate thing, in a stressful situation the simpler something is the easier it will be to remember and implement for everyone.

A good plan consists of three main parts:

  1. Rally points / Meeting places
  2. Routes
  3. Communication
  • Rally points or meeting places are designated locations inside and outside the home where everyone knows to try and get to if an emergency, such as a home invasion, occurs.

    These are important because they bring everyone together, allow you to get a head count of the family, and ensure everyone is safe.

    In a situation like this, you never know if you’ll be able to make it to the first rally, so backup rally points are a must. The main rally point for my family is in the master bedroom.

    If making it to the master bedroom is impossible, the treeline behind my house is our secondary rallying point.
it is important to have rallying points and routes planned ahead of time should there be a home invasion
  • Routes are just that, your planned path to the rally points. How will you get there if a home invasion occurs and you’ve got to reach your designated meeting spot?

    What is your secondary route if the home invader is at a specific location in your house and the primary route is blocked?

    These are the questions you need to ask yourself and then find a solution for.

    Routes don’t always have to simply be in your house either. Consider exiting through windows as well if need be.

    If you have a two-story house, make sure the upper bedrooms each have a collapsible fire escape ladder that you or the kids can simply hook onto the window ledge and then climb down to safety.
Best SellerKiddeLength: 13′
Support Weight: 1000lbs
Number of Ratings: 15,761
Amazon Rating:
4.7 out of 5
Longest LadderKiddeLength: 25′
Support Weight: 1000lbs
Number of Ratings: 4370
Amazon Rating: 4.7 out of 5

  • Communication is vitally important so everyone in the house knows what’s going on. This is especially true if you have family members that sleep on different levels of the house.

    It can be as simple as ensuring everyone has a phone beside them so you can text or call each other.

    Maybe it’s nonverbal communication, like setting off a home or car alarm. When everyone hears this, they know to go to the rally point immediately.

    Whatever it is, each family needs to devise ways to communicate with each other to pass on information in an emergency situation.


The central aspect of DEFENCE is DEFENDING yourself!

We must all prepare for the worst possible scenario. The intruder or intruders get into your house, and you’ve got to resort to physical confrontation!

If you find yourself in this spot where you’re grabbing a weapon to fight with the guy in your house, remember it’s a fight for your life.

This means getting violent! Not only violent, though, extremely violent! Your violence must be equal to or greater than that of the intruder. He could very well be there to take your life or the lives of your family members or worse!

We are at our most vulnerable when we are sleeping, so like everything else, we need to prepare. The best way to do that is to have all the gear you might need in your room, next to you, easily accessible.

The last thing you want when a home invasion occurs is to be wishing you knew where a particular piece of gear is.

The best way to do this is to create for yourself a tactical nightstand.

A tactical nightstand is your regular old nightstand, but now, with all the items you might need during a home invasion. These items should all in some way help you with whatever situation arises.

These are a few items I have learned are essential pieces of gear, and whereas I don’t have every one of these on my nightstand, I have what works best for me out of this list.


Every man should have a tactical nightstand beside the bed

Essential tactical gear for your tactical nightstand:

  • Wallet
  • Car Keys
  • Cell Phone
  • Flashlight
  • Weapons
    • Hornet Spray
    • Bear Spray
    • Dog Spray
    • Pepper Spray
    • Gun
      • Pistol
      • Shotgun
      • SBR
    • Knife
    • Bat
    • Baton

Everyone should have their wallet, car keys, and cell phone on their stand every night.

With these three essential items, you can call for help, identify who you are to the cops when they show up, and flee the scene if necessary.

Everyone should have a flashlight as well. Though not as helpful during the day, at night, a high-powered tactical flashlight will utterly blind and disorientate any intruder as they’re skulking around your house in the dark.

Check out my article “The Best Tactical Flashlights On The Market Now: 2023” for the best tactical flashlights of the year.

Whatever weapons you choose, remember to have weapons you can use from a distance, such as guns or any of those propellants.

On top of ranged weapons, you should also have some CQB weapons, which could still be guns but could also be hand-held weapons, should the fight become a bit more personal.

In the end, you need to inflict as much pain as you can to make them stop, incapacitate them, or knock them out. It’s you…or them.


It is the responsibility of every household leader to do everything they can to prepare and protect themselves and their families. To make sure that they never become just a statistic, another victim of a home invasion.

Get your mindset right, start building good situational awareness and take at least some of these ideas to heart and any other good ideas you find. Then start implementing them in your households, as I have mine.

I hope you learned something from this article and will take it away with you. This stuff has been on my mind for a while now, and I learned a lot as I wrote it.

Plan with your family, Practice with your family, and Prepare your family so you can Protect your family.

men must be a sheepdog and not a sheep.

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About the Author

Brad Neufeld

I decided to start TacticalGear4Life so I could share my passion and first hand knowledge on all things guns and gear related. While at the same time helping people seperate the garbage fake gear from the quality gear that will last for life.

I hope you enjoy the site as much as I have enjoyed creating it!

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